Analytical UV-VIS HPLC Detectors

ECD and ECDA detectors series are designed for sophisticated analytical applications. All our devices can be manufactured in OEM (built-in) or standalone versions at the customer's request.

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ECD2600 UV Variable Wavelength Detector

Part number: ADB0000X
These detectors have continuously variable wavelength in the range of 190 - 600 nm and noise level is ± 3x10-6 AU.

ECD2800 UV-VIS Variable Wavelength Detector

Part number: ADA0000X

These detectors have continuously variable wavelength in the range of 190 - 800 nm and noise level is ± 3x10-6 AU.

ECDA2800 UV-VIS PDA Detector

Part number: ANW0000X
8 channel 200-800
Is an analytical Diode Array Detector which allows measuring absorbance of eight wavelengths simultaneously in one cell just as measuring of whole spectrum (scan).