OEM Built-in UV-VIS Detectors for preparative and flash chromatography
- Most of these detector versions are available in three wavelength ranges (200 - 400, 200 - 600 and 200 - 800 nm).
- TOY20DAD 800 detectors have a wavelenght range from 190 - 800 nm.
- As software versions are offered two channel, four channel and four channel plus scanning function.
- There are also available detectors with one or two FIX wavelengths.
- TOYDAD and BABYDAD are DAD/PDA UV-VIS detectors with CCD sensor (allowing to measure absorbance at more wavelengths in the same time or to do scan over entire spectra).
© 2019 ECOM spol. s r.o., Trebonicka 239, Chrastany u Prahy, CZ 252 19, Czech Republic
Made by Elasticr