We look forward to meeting you at the CPHI 2024 Milan - the trade show for the pharmaceutical industry. It takes place in Fiera Milano, Italy on 8-10 October 2024.

We will be at the stand together with one of our distributors Stepbio, in the API zone, stand 4D118. 
Among others, we are going to present equipment for the pharmaceutical industry from our product portfolio, mainly preparative columns and preparative systems.  


Single-use TCO Triclamp cellsFor the ECOM preparative pumps ECP2050, ECP2100, ECP2200, ECP2200H, and ECP2300 an extended range of materials is available on the website under each of these products. This extended range is to meet the needs of customers who require bio-inert materials used on wetted parts of the instruments in their applications. These materials are Hastelloy, PEEK, and titanium.

To the product pages: 








 Single-use TCO Triclamp cells
These cells can be easily replaced by the customer after each use, or after a few uses, in the holder.

This item is used for analyzing and monitoring the absorbance of liquids passing through the cell, where UV light is led from the detector and back using SMA 905 optical cables.

This is designed as a cost-effective solution for applications, where there is a need to use a new cell for each separation to avoid cross-contamination and where it is impossible to wash and re-use the cells.

Connection: ECOM single-use cells are designed for chromatography systems equipped with tri-clamp. There is also a Hose lock connection version. On customer request, the cells can be made with different connections: e.g. Luer Lock, and Swagelok.

Find out more on the product page: Single-use flow cell with tri-clamp connection



-The Chromatography Separation System.
This complete flash/preparative/pilot scale/production modular system with an excellent price/performance ratio has been added to our product portfolio. 
Applications: The system can be used e.g. in high-capacity systems or with centrifugal liquid/liquid chromatography systems, like in pharmaceutical purification of plant extracts – e.g. cannabinoids (CBD, CBN, CBG, CBC, THC, etc.), peptides, and oligonucleotides, algae extracts, oleoresins, etc., also in new molecule development or synthesis.

Find out more details on the PrepSystem product site

Prepsystem middle2


Valve Actuator ECVA 2000 - an ideal device to help you control injection, switching and selector valves in liquid and gas chromatography (LC and GC) applications. Used for all VICI types of valve heads. 


The ECVA 2000 supports 2-position and multi-position valves.
Find out more on the product sites:
The standalone version
The embedded version