For detector ECDA2800.
For detectors ECD2600, ECD2800 and Flash 14.
Pre-aligned deuterium lamp for BABYDAD detectors.
For detectors TOYDAD-L + TOY 14 + T0Y 18
For detectors Flash DAD 06, Flash DAD 10 and Flash DAD 12, TOYDAD up to 400 and 600 nm, TOPAZ, SAPPHIRE, OPAL and LCD 2073A.
For Flash DAD detectors up to 800nm.
For Flash DAD and TOYDAD detectors up to 800nm and for detectors ECD2800 and ECDA2800.
for preparative pumps 300ml/min
Check valve for 1000 ml/min pumps
Check valve integrated in a housing
for ECP 2010
Alpha 10, Beta 10, Kappa (with ASI check valves).
For pump types ECP2010, ECP2011, ECP2011P, ECP2011S, ECP2011SP, Alpha 10, Beta 10, VRS 15, 4020.3 and 4020.5.