ECOMAC Full Version Software with USB HW key
Software ECOMAC is designed with a maximal effort to do the easy operation of chromatographic systems ECOM.
- Description
- Files to download 1
It is suited for unit controlling and data collecting. Equipments are connected to the PC using LAN, RS232, or USB (using RS232/USB converter). The software detects automatically almost all units, so there is no need for complicated communication installation:
Program most important features:
• Easy installation
• USB HW key
• Connecting using LAN, RS232 or USB
• No need A/D converter
• Possibility to start up to 8 stations at the same time
• Data export in various formats
• Simple method creation (possibility to fill in method, analysis and sample information, control through Time Table (gradient table setting and a lot controlling function for the device) and Fraction Table (sample collecting)
• Simple Sequence Table creation
• A lot of options for comfortable using and working with data in the graph area in the Main Window and Data Window
• Possibility of external start and external mark
• Device info and log reports for quick service diagnostics support
• Secured Access
• Unit controlling and data collecting from one place
Equipments are controlled using the well-arranged menu, each installed unit has its own
On the screen, we can watch the parameters of all units for example detector absorbance, pump pressure, and column oven temperature. It allows monitoring of the whole system by stabilization or by problem searching. It is possible to record, print, and export all data.
Supported formats by data export:
• Text formats: native text format, two-column text format and CSW Clarity text format
• Binary: native binary CH-format, CSW (1.7) Rawformat, Matlab 5.0(Octave) MAT format, AIANETCDF
Start of data collecting and eventual marks (for example by fraction collecting) is it possible to do this using the keyboard or using the external unit.
Note: The ECOMAC registration license was changed from version 0.260. The license code is attached with USB HW key. If you have a problem with a license in the new version, please contact the vendor.
Filename | Type |
ECOMAC-v0.2-en.pdf | pdf (7,86 MB) |