Piston seal 3/8" U-R325 HB (CC)-204-GFP-HST

For pump types ECP2050/2200/2300, Theta and Iota.

ECOM spol. s r.o.
Part number

It is used in pumps with piston diameter 3/8" as main seal in working head. It is made from material GFP - Graphite fiber reinforced PTFE. It has very high wear resistance and highest extrusion resistance.
If such chemical composition is not acceptable for you, we can offer seal from another material.

As auxiliary seal is used in this type of pump the seal from virgin seal (P/N 99043700).

By seal changing must the spring directed out of unit.

For pump types ECP2050/2200/2300, Theta and Iota. 

Filename Type
Info-Piston_Seal_Materials-en-01.pdf pdf (134,34 KB)