Preparative cell in bracket PLCC07L PEEK

l=0.3mm; tubing with OD 1/16" and thread UNF10-32
For detectors TOY18DAD-H, TOY18DAD-L, TOY14DAD, and FLASH14DAD
ECOM spol. s r.o.
Part number
Preparative cell in bracket PLCC 07 PEEK has a unique design with an optical length of 0.3 mm. Thanks to the construction of the bypass, it prevents the formation of bubbles. It is designed for preparative or flash applications and it is possible to connect it using tubing with OD 1/16" and thread UNF10-32. Internal volume of preparative cell is 40 µl. Maximum flow rate is 500 ml/min.

If you are looking for a different cells parameters and materials , see our website or contact us. We are keen to design cell according your needs.

Volume/optical path length 40ul / 0,3 mm
Outer diameter of capillary 1/16”
Maximal flow rate 200ml/min
Connecting thread UNF10-32
Maximum operating pressure 2 MPa
Internal volume (exchanger/capillaries) 40 ul
Dimensions (diameter x height) 36 x 23 mm (1.42 x 0.90")