Test cell TD01

Test cell for ECDA detectors series.

ECOM spol. s r.o.
Part number

A cell without windows is designed for verification of correct detector operation, lamp aging, and checking for the cleanness of a cell.

When is the Test cell used?

The test cell is used for resolution between problems with detector operation and problems with cell, cell cleanness, or cell content (too much absorbing solvents/samples) by replacing the working cell with a Test cell. Light intensity before cell (REFER) and after cell (SAMPLE) is used for this decision. These values were set up to 100%/1000 mV with a new lamp on maximum signal wavelength (near 240 nm) with a Test cell inserted. If the signal in software, recorder, or on display is correct with the Test cell then problems are not with detector operation, but with cell (cleanness, content, ...).


Volume/optical path length n/a / 5 mm
Casing dimensions 54 x 28 x 70 mm
Weight 92 g
Filename Type
Info-ECD2000_flow_cells-en-03.pdf pdf (273,84 KB)